PRS Proprietary Steelecrete Technology
PRS Proprietary Steelecrete Technology
PRS Steelecrete is a two component inorganic acid resistant polymer concrete based upon potassium silicate chemistry. It is formulated for the casting method of placement.
PRS Steelecrete should be installed at a minimum thickness of 1.5″. In
continuously wet environments, a chemical resistant membrane should be installed onto concrete substrates before installation of the overlayment.
PRS Steelecrete – is resistant to all concentrations of most acids including sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, chromic, acetic, and phosphoric. It is not resistant to acid fluorides or hydrofluoric acid, and it should not be used in alkaline or caustic environments.
PRS Steelecrete is good for temperatures up to 400 degrees F in immersion service. If needed, we can precast 100% Steelecrete construction.
PRS Steelecrete provides a cost- effective alternative to acid brick construction forthe restoration of Portland cement concrete floors, trenches, sumps, and other vessels.
PRS Steelecrete may be used in lieu of Portland cement concrete in corrosive environments for pumppads, containment pads, curbs, dikes, tank/ equipment support columns and bases. It also may be used for the construction of acid resistant tank lids or domes, lintels, stack caps, small diameter flues, pipes, manholes, and nozzles.
PRS Steelecrete proprietary technology is used in Sulfuric Acid applications above 75% in concentration such as CIL cooler pump tank containments, secondary containments, trenches, sumps, truck unloading stations, pump bases, general sulfuric acid processing areas.

General PRS Steelecrete Containment Linings

Cast In Place PRS Steelecrete Trench Systems

Cast In Place PRS Steelecrete Pump Bases
Over 30 Years Experience
Since 1989, P.R. Steelecoat has been the clear industry leader in high performance linings and polymer composite maintenance for correcting corrosion and abrasion problems.
Professional Services
Our team is extremely experienced, with the overwhelming majority of our personnel having 20 years or more of experience in our field.
Thousands of Projects
Since 1989, we have completed thousands of projects that covered the entire gamut of industrial, commercial, and government applications.
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