PR Steelecoat Proprietary Structural Supercrete Technology
P.R. Steelecoat Proprietary Structural Supercrete Technology
PRS Supercrete Structural Technology is a high solids system based on blended vinyl ester resin technology that incorporates specially selected and graded aggregate which exhibits excellent resistance to alkaline and acid environments. This technology can be placed into physical & chemical services in these environments in as little as 1.5 to 4 hours cure time.
PRS Supercrete Structural Technology is a very unique product that allows the capability of adjusting the viscosity of the product to form and pour the product pre cast, or cast in place, sumps, trenches, pump bases, tank foundations, and columns. It is available as a precast system or cast in place on heavily damaged concrete structures in the field.
PRS Supercrete Structural Technology handles many concentrated acids, gases, solvents, and other process fluids in applications up to 210 degrees F. Supercrete Structural Technology is employed to affect immediate rapid repairs of spalled or corroded concrete surfaces with special emphasis on providing superior turnaround times while providing both a structural repair & long term protection system all in one application.
PRS Supercrete Structural Technology possesses extreme toughness and resistance to shock. The integration of the specially graded aggregates gives the technology excellent resistance to abrasion and other physical abuses.

- Our Proprietary PRS Supercrete sumps are 100% polymer composite construction. No concrete is utilized during our fabrication process.
- PRS precast sump designs are 100% compliant with the EPA’s RCRA mandated secondary containment requirements.

Cast In Place
- With our proprietary PRS Supercrete structural VE technology, we can successfully restore damaged concrete substrates and intall a long term solution to your trench failures by installing 2″-4″ thick of our Supercrete Technology in existing trenches or newly installed trenches.

Supercrete Structural Rehabilitation & Permanent Protection
- PRS Structural Supercrete is a VE based polymer composite that can be used for restoring heavily damaged concrete substrates and can be poured/layered in unlimited thickness, continuously cured, and ready for full chemical and physical service in 2-4 hours.
Over 30 Years Experience
Since 1989, P.R. Steelecoat has been the clear industry leader in high performance linings and polymer composite maintenance for correcting corrosion and abrasion problems.
Professional Services
Our team is extremely experienced, with the overwhelming majority of our personnel having 20 years or more of experience in our field.
Thousands of Projects
Since 1989, we have completed thousands of projects that covered the entire gamut of industrial, commercial, and government applications.
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